What is a CET Student Correspondent?
Student Correspondents create content for our Student Voices Blog and social media platforms. Each CET program has 1 blogger or photographer per term. A few program locations will have social media creators. We want to see and hear about you and your roommate exploring the Florence food scene, your life-changing Traveling Seminar to Krakow, the first time you dreamed in Chinese. This is your chance to share your story not just with friends and family, but with future students considering their own journey abroad!
What is the commitment like?
- Interested in writing? Submit 4 blogs, usually 5-10 paragraphs long, during your time abroad.
- Interested in taking photos? Submit at least 10 photos a month, in the form of a photo essay, during your time abroad.
- Interested in posting on social media? Submit 1 video every other month (2 per term) and host 1 Instagram takeover during your time abroad.
Why should I apply?
Content will get shared out on CET’s social media platforms and used for other promotional purposes. By contributing to the CET blog or our socials, you will give your friends, family, and prospective study abroad students an insight into your semester abroad while also having your work published on a professional platform. We use your content in marketing materials both on the web and in print.
Depending on your participation throughout the term, you will receive a cash stipend of $150 USD in local currency near the end of the program. To top it off, the best submissions of each month will get a small additional cash prize!

Application Deadlines
Positions are competitive! Apply by the following dates for a better chance of selection:
- Fall: July 31
- Summer: May 1
- Spring: December 15
Student Correspondent Application Form
Student Correspondent Application Form
Thanks for your interest! We are currently not accepting anymore applicants for Spring 2022, but we’d love to keep in touch! Tag @cetstudyabroad on Instagram!
Summer 2022 applicants: This application will open in February, thanks!