Want to gain professional skills while showcasing your stories from abroad? Become a CET Campus Ambassador and continue to promote study abroad from home!
What is a CET Campus Ambassador?
The CET Campus Ambassador (CET CA) program is a professional development and leadership program designed to allow exceptional CET alumni the opportunity to promote study abroad at their home institution. As a CET CA, a student’s primary goal is to provide a professional and honest resource to the home institution while encouraging all study abroad. Meet the current CET CA team.
What is the Commitment Like?

CET CAs will:
- Submit a review of their CET program on GoOverseas.com.
- Complete 4 “Missions” per term (semester or quarter).
- Missions can include: Interning or peer advising at their university’s study abroad office, speaking about CET and study abroad at meetings or events, writing or making videos about their experience, & assisting with study abroad event planning.
- Connect with your campus study abroad office to determine how you can be helpful as a CET CA.
- Work with a member of the CET Institutional Relations (IR) team to develop a plan of action for the school year to encourage interested students on campus.
- Potentially make a presentation to a class, write an article for the school newspaper, or answer questions at the campus study abroad office.
- Become familiar with all CET Programs—training lasts approximately 20 minutes and covers all the essentials.
Why Should I Apply?
- Opportunity to share experiences from abroad with other interested students via multiple creative outlets (classroom presentations, blogs, video, photos, social media, etc.).
- Networking, virtual public speaking training, and résumé building.
- Conference co-presentation and letter of recommendation possibilities with successful participations in the CET CA program.
- A chance at winning $1,000 max reimbursement for a round-trip plane ticket back to country where student studied abroad (up to five winners annually).
Am I Eligible?
If you are currently enrolled in a U.S institution and actively participated in a CET program in the past academic semester/quarter, yes! Nominees are chosen based on a positive recommendation from their in-country CET Program Director and other considerations (e.g. possible interview with IRM & résumé review).
How Do I Apply?
CET alumni from spring and summer terms will receive an email invitation to apply for the Fall CET CA cycle in mid-July with an application deadline of August 15th, and Fall program alumni will be invited in January with an application deadline of January 15th.