Photos by Esme Rios, (University of Wisconsin), Student Correspondent for CET Florence, Summer 2022

Galileo’s shrine is one to behold. As one among many tributes to some of the greatest artists and thinkers of his time, his stands out as truly remarkable.

This is the entrance to the building with the Donatello exhibit. Pictured is a hologram projected onto a white screen that is a very convincing illusion of depth; there were moments I questioned whether the screen was two dimensional or concave.

Enjoying a peaceful afternoon during one of my Art History classes. These trees are one of my favorite things about Italy.

The water in Manarola was breath-taking. I walked along it for hours just to take it all in, with sunlight so intense I burned for the first time since I was 12.

Cinque Terre is a must when in Italy. In Manarola, the houses cover the mountains beautifully, and the rocky shores (where everyone lays out to sunbathe or jump off of the edges of) make for a fun and adventurous day sea-side. This was my first solo trip and I couldn’t have been happier with the location.

This is Con Rigo Di Erode, now on display in the Donatello Exhibit in Florence. It was recently restored and depicts St. John the Baptist’s beheading at a party. The piece shows incredible use of depth and perspective, as it is only a few centimeters wide but contains such impressive detail.

Reflecting on my time studying abroad in Florence, I’m so grateful to have had the professors I did, who pushed us to learn in a 3 dimensional and tangible way. I think I spent more class hours outside of an actual classroom than I did in one for Art History, and I’m so grateful for all of the beautiful learning I was allowed and guided to accomplish.

I got the world’s cutest custom made necklace in this spot in Positano. If you’re ever here stop by the stand that does them; you’ll get to pick out the beads and the color of the wire shaped into the name of your choosing, paired with a tiny wire heart. Also, you’ll meet the kindest old Italian man.

Sorrento is another place worth visiting. Waiting for a ferry here beats waiting for a taxi in Florence any day.

Our program had the absolute best events coordinator (shout out to Gabri!). This was one of the things we did as a group—boat ride on the Arno River. Pictured are some of my roommates. They all made this trip so much sweeter. Sorry to Gabby for this pic hahah.