Written by Cody Simpson, (University of Kansas), Student Correspondent for CET Japan, Summer 2022
If you had asked me what it is like to sit over 300 feet in the air and stare at a gorgeous city over a year ago, I would have told you that you were crazy. Well, if I had made a bet then I would have been eating my words. I have never been out of the country before, but for some reason I decided to take an over 12-hour plan ride to come and study abroad in Japan.

The arrival process was nothing short of a challenge. The full arrival process took over 20 hours in my case and required me to take three different planes, a bus, and a train. By the time I finally got to my shared apartment I wanted nothing more than to sleep but endured it to go meet some fellow students and eat some gyoza. If you do not know what gyoza is, it is a Japanese dumpling filled with meat and vegetables. Getting to chat with fellow students on the first day was a wonderful experience, but it only got more fun.

My roommates gathered for our first time at Karaoke.
The following day my roommates and I all took a train to a popular train station. It is worth pointing out that among my 6 other roommates, two of them are Japanese students at the university CET students attend. Having these language partners has been a huge asset. Being in a brand-new place with a language that is completely different than English is a scary thing but with these partners I can rest easy Now back to the train station.

My roommates and I all sharing a Japanese red bean sweet.
At the train station there is a popular Ferris wheel. We all decided to ride it and that is how I ended up sitting over 300 feet in the air. Arriving in Japan was a difficult process but immediately after I have been able to create new memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life.

Two of my roommates and I on a Ferris wheel overlooking the city of Osaka. We are all doing the hand sign for a heart, although I did it backwards 🙁