What is a Perspective Piece?
These are personal essays that touch upon identity-related challenges you may have faced abroad. Study abroad is a different experience for everyone, and your race, religion, and gender identity among other things will often have an impact on your time abroad. Perspective Pieces provide support and one-of-a-kind insight from students who have experienced it firsthand. They are typically provided as a student resource in pre-departure materials or as requested during application season. Please note, Perspective Pieces can be shared anonymously, if preferred.
If you feel your identity (in any form you see fit) has significantly affected your time abroad, we encourage you to write a Perspective Piece. No one can speak for every experience, but collectively we can work to provide resources to prepare other students interested in studying abroad.
You can choose to respond to the following prompts directly, or simply use them as inspiration for your own Perspective Piece.
- Describe a moment when your identit(ies) were important or took on a particular meaning to you during your time abroad.
- Were you nervous about being a study abroad student?
- What was the most positive experience you had while abroad?
- How would you describe your overall experience abroad? What were some of the unique challenges you faced abroad as a result of your identit(ies)?
- What advice would you give other study abroad students to prepare them for the cultural differences they might encounter while studying abroad?
You have full control over how your Perspective Piece is shared. Unless otherwise specified, the following groups will have access:
- Committed students have access within their online pre-departure materials
- Prospective students can request materials that speak to specific experiences during one-on-one advising with CET Staff
- CET website users have access to select Perspective Pieces (all of which have the author’s approval) via the D&I program pages
- CET staff who manage intake, publishing, and sharing processes
Questions? Concerns?
Feel free to reach out to Julie Kim at [email protected] with inquiries big or small.